From the FUZZ-IEEE site directly (because I definitely don’t know how to explain it)
“FUZZ-IEEE 2019 will represent a unique meeting point for scientists and engineers, both from academia and industry, to interact and discuss the latest enhancements and innovations in the field. The topics of the conference will cover all the aspects of theory and applications of fuzzy logic and its hybridizations with other artificial and computational intelligence techniques. “
I was approached by an acquaintance who was heading up this science-focused gathering this past June. Essentially the request was, please help make this nerd-conference look hip. 🙂
From what I could grok, the areas of discussions were about fuzzy sets. I went down the rabbit hole for a couple of hours right after I was first approached about this design work. I felt like I learned some things, and also fried some circuits. Makes me day-dream about what my life would have be like if I had kept studying mathematics.
A little behind my design choices. I went for the gem-tone colors that one sees in Mardi Gras images to nod to the location of the conference first and foremost. New Orleans is an exciting city, no doubt! The masquerade mask because, frankly, it’s sexy, and the silhouettes of the CCC bridge and ornate lamp posts to further drive home the location. I also thought I’d be sneaky and make the bridge support lines look like fuzzy sets as they’re graphed out. I guess if you know, you know.